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Presets - How To

We've listened to your feedback, and in response to many of you expressing interest in expediting the creation of your shipments with fewer clicks, we are excited to introduce our new feature, Presets!

With Presets, instead of manually selecting your shipping preferences and package sizes each time, we allow you to create options in advance. You can then easily select or even set a default preference.

To access your Presets, begin by navigating to the 'Manage' area in the top menu. From there, select 'Presets' from the list.

Any previously created Presets will be displayed on this list, and you can edit them if needed. To create a new one, simply click on the '+' button.

A pop-up will appear:

Here, you can create as many combinations as needed. Start by naming your preset for easy identification in the drop-down list. Then, choose your preferred courier or multiple couriers if desired.

The next option is your preference - what criteria would you like Machool to filter by? Currently, you have the option to choose between the “least expensive service” or the “fastest service” . Note that this preference will be applied to all the courrier you have selected in the “select couriers” section.

You then have the option to add a packaging template to this preset by either selecting from one of your existing package templates or manually input one.

Please note: If you have no templates created under Packages, this “select from templates” option will be grayed out.

That's it! That's all you need to do to create a preset.

Lastly, you have the option to set the preset you're creating as the default one.

Once finished, your preset will now appear on the Preset package list as follows:

If you need to make any changes to it, simply select it and click on the edit button on the right.

Once created, your Presets will appear at the bottom of your page when creating Shipments:

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